My introduction...

 So, Where Do I Start?

Hello Everybody. My Name is Sean Calvin Parkinson. I am 25 Years Old and I am Autistic. I am also Gay.

I have lived with Autism all my life. I was diagnosed when I was four years old. My diagnosis was High Functioning Autism.

Living with Autism has somewhat been a challenging path for me. But at the same time, it wasn't all that difficult. I have always been in Special Schools growing up. In addition, both my siblings were also autistic. Both are on different spectrums. So as you can imagine, it was quite a busy household growing up.

I have had to learn a lot living with autism. Understanding myself. Understanding other people. Understanding how to deal in situations. Understand how to express emotion and try to know how to display empathy and emotions to others. It wasn't always easy and it took me many years to become the person I am now.

Growing up, I had a lot of Speech and Language Therapy in school and had other therapies to develop basic senses like looking and listening. I also had to learn what to say and what not to say and develop manners.

My biggest challenges of all throughout my life have possibly been the ability to socialise and make proper friends. I often struggled in a busy environment and used to find a lot of people, particularly young ones, intimidating. I was also prone to outbursts and found change difficult. I also used to become attached to some people and had little obsessions, especially when I was younger.

As I hit my teen years, I developed more feelings I had never previously had as the years followed when I explored my sexuality.

I intend to do this blog to tell my story and I think my own lived experiences will help other people. The things I've had to overcome in my life have inspired me to want to become more of a voice. A voice for other autistic people like me. I look forward to telling you all the stories of my life.

Sean Calvin Parkinson


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