
Showing posts from September, 2022


Usually, when I write I start with a title and work from there. Building upon the idea of the title until I have a full blog post. But this is not one of those situations. I have an idea that I can summarise in one word. But I want to talk about where my priorities lie, I have limited funds available and I want to talk about how I am deciding what comes first. I'm not talking about food or heat, I'm talking about moving forward with content creation and pleasure activities. 

Hiring A Social Media Manager

So, I have always been one who has struggled when it comes to social media. Both for my own personal use and also for anything professional. No matter what I do, who I talk to, or watch, I just don't feel very comfortable with it. It's not exactly a secret that if you want to be successful these days you need to be on socials. So, I'm going to hire someone. 

The 'Budget Code'

It's always difficult when you are unemployed and trying to keep a roof over your head. Most people see unemployability as being 'lazy' or 'unmotivated', but when people say that, it makes me realise that they have not walked in the shoes of others. Things happen in life and people become unemployed for many various reasons, not just due to 'laziness'.

I Was Scammed

So, how do I start this topic, on the 17th of July, 2022, only a few weeks ago I had most of my money stolen from me. There are many things that I felt, anger, frustration and shame. I had always thought of myself as an intelligent, well-versed person who had a great deal of knowledge surrounding security and the like. The truth is, no matter how well you are educated, and no matter how much you try to protect yourself, the right kind of person, with the right kind of tricks can better you. 

'Flooded' With News

If you couldn't guess by the title, this week has been chaotic. I'm sure many of you have had weeks similar. On top of the many appointments and daily chores everyone has to do when they live in their own property, we had a flood. 

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

So, we interrupt your regularly scheduled posting with news that I am sure by this time you have already heard, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II has died. We have been told that she has died peacefully, after a short illness at her beloved Scottish get-away home of Balmoral Castle.

My introduction...

 So, Where Do I Start? Hello Everybody. My Name is Sean Calvin Parkinson. I am 25 Years Old and I am Autistic. I am also Gay. I have lived with Autism all my life. I was diagnosed when I was four years old. My diagnosis was High Functioning Autism.

Long Covid

So it has once again been some time since I posted here on the blog. It's a real shame as so many interesting things have happened to me over the last few years, some of them good, and unfortunately some of them bad... And it is one of those bad ones that I want to talk about today.