Spectrum Apparel

As many of you know I am an avid streamer, I enjoy streaming, entertaining, chatting and generally having a good time. well, recently I've had a little bit of a conundrum. For the last while, I've had viewers asking how they can support me. And I really don't like the thought of them donating money for nothing in return. It took me quite some time to decide what I wanted to do. 

I came up with many ideas to start, personalised videos, one on one calls, names on screen, and attributes on our discord server. All decent ideas in their own right but this still had the same feeling for me. That the person on the other end was paying money for no tangible benefit. There would be nothing for them to show off to show that they had supported me in my content creation journey. 

Introducing Spectrum Apparel, this is not merch, it is not intended to be a way to advertise my streams. It is a fashion brand, we are an environmentally conscious brand that aims to be socially responsible by donating a portion of our profits to social causes. We have pledged to donate 15% of our profit, 5% each to a mental health cause, the samaritans, an LGBT cause that has yet to be decided and an autism support organisation that is also yet to be decided. 

It would have been easy for me to simply pocket all of the money that I gained and enjoy the extra profits, but I feel it is everyone's responsibility to be the change in the world that we want to see. And it is this aim that helped me decide how I would run the brand. I am looking for you guys to tell me about both LGBT causes and autism support organisations that would benefit from our donations, I do ask that they are UK based and a registered charity. 

I look forward to seeing you all wearing the clothes and expanding the brand. As always I'm excited to be moving on to new ventures, learning new skills and pushing myself to be the best version of me.

If you would like to buy something and get us some cash to keep running you can do so here. https://www.spectrumapparel.co.uk/ 

Thanks for reading,



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