Finding Your Tribe: An Autistic Guide to Making Friends

 Finding genuine connections and building meaningful friendships can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience for everyone, including autistic individuals. However, navigating social interactions can present unique challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of finding the right people to be friends with as an autistic person and provide some practical tips to help you navigate the journey of building authentic connections and finding your tribe.

Embrace Your Authentic Self

Authenticity is the foundation for genuine connections. Embrace your autistic identity and be proud of who you are. Recognize that your unique perspective and experiences bring value to friendships. By embracing your authentic self, you attract like-minded individuals who appreciate and accept you for who you are.

Seek Out Common Interests

Shared interests serve as a powerful bonding tool when making friends. Explore activities, hobbies, or special interests that align with your passions. Engaging in these activities allows you to connect with individuals who share similar interests, creating a natural platform for conversation, collaboration, and the potential for lasting friendships.

Join Autistic Communities and Support Groups

Connecting with other autistic individuals can be immensely beneficial in finding your tribe. Join online communities, forums, or support groups specifically tailored for autistic individuals. These spaces provide a supportive environment where you can interact with like-minded individuals, share experiences, exchange advice, and potentially build long-lasting friendships.

Practice Effective Communication

Effective communication is essential in building meaningful connections. As an autistic individual, you may have unique communication preferences or styles. Be open and honest about your communication needs and boundaries. Encourage open and respectful dialogue with potential friends, ensuring that both parties feel heard and understood.

Recognize Quality Over Quantity

When it comes to friendships, quality trumps quantity. Focus on building deep, meaningful connections with a few individuals rather than striving for a large social circle. Look for friends who genuinely understand and accept you, who support your growth, and who bring positivity into your life. These friendships are more likely to withstand the test of time and provide a sense of belonging.

Practice Self-Advocacy

Advocate for your needs and boundaries when forging new friendships. As an autistic individual, it's important to communicate your specific requirements and ensure that potential friends respect and accommodate them. Surround yourself with individuals who appreciate and embrace your unique traits and who are willing to learn and understand more about autism.

Patience and Understanding

Building friendships takes time, patience, and understanding. Be kind to yourself throughout the process and recognize that not every interaction will result in a deep connection. Friendships develop organically, and it's important to give them space to grow naturally. Be patient, keep an open mind, and allow yourself to forge connections at a pace that feels comfortable for you.


Finding your tribe as an autistic person involves seeking genuine connections, embracing your authentic self, and fostering relationships built on understanding, acceptance, and shared interests. By surrounding yourself with individuals who appreciate and value you for who you are, you create a supportive network of friends who uplift and empower you. Remember that building friendships is a journey, and it's okay to take it at your own pace. Trust in yourself, embrace the possibilities, and let the journey of finding your tribe unfold naturally.



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