
Showing posts from October, 2014


So today I have spent a lot of time thinking about what exactly I will be writing todays post on. this is more difficult that you would think because I have a tendency to write the same thing over and over again with knowing that I am doing it.

Hard Drive

Okay everyone, first things first I've ordered a new hard drive and that should solve my computer issues but until that comes posts won't be as good. That's because I don't particularly enjoy typing on my phone which means the post will be rushed and shorter than usual and I'm sorry about that. Also for some reason I feel like it is harder to think of something to post about when ever I write on my phone. I didn't get to see my girl today as planned. This obviously made me feel anxious and I hate the fact that something as simple as that can get me anxious. Its rather annoying because I want to be understanding about it but the way I feel stops me for being completely understanding.

Computer trouble

Hello everyone, expect posts of a lesser quality and formatting that isn't right. My laptop is correctly out of commission and I'm using to use my phone to post which isn't a fun experience. I'm going seeing Katie tomorrow and get mum may be getting some bad news, I don't know how to deal with people who are upset and crying, I never have. The issue is when I cry I don't want to be touched so that's how I act when someone else is crying even though I know that I should cuddle then and make them feel better. I really hope it isn't bad news because I don't want to see her upset. Spec.

Mondays by Mum - Hero

It's ok not to be a hero, there have been no questions asked. So I've decided to share this nugget. I knew Ben was different from six weeks old. He cried when held, tried to push away from me. He stared vacantly and didn't respond to play. The worst thing wash the awful screaming to keep himself awake. Ben had been really poorly from birth with his chest. I became obsessed with bleach. Thinking I'd done something wrong. So when I raised my concerns with my health visitor, who may I add had no children. Ben was my second. She told my I was over anxious and young. I was 21.I knew there was a problem. Every time I mentioned things to a healthcare provider I was foo fooed with the same old response. When one day I found myself locked in the bathroom begging my sister to come take the kids, it was all my fault, Ben just didn't like me. The strain was waring me down. My husband wasn't very supportive. I know now that he shares many traits with Ben. I sat in my mum...

Success Sundays - Day One - Jane

hello everyone, our first success story has been sent in by Jane Withington.

Fall Out

So today I managed to fall out with someone but that didn’t really bother me because I know that I did nothing wrong. I am one of those people that will always tell someone the truth and there are many people in the world that lie to themselves and want to hear nothing but the lie that they tell themselves.

Plans and Disruption

Plans are needed by everyone, otherwise nothing would be organised, nothing would get done and the whole world would grind to a halt. But if something doesn’t go to plan for most people they just shrug it off and move on but when something that has been planned and goes wrong, a spectrum dweller can quickly become overwhelmed.

Clothes continued

Well today I am going to be posting about clothes... for a second time. I do try to get all relevant information into each post but I lack the concentration span that is needed in order to write posts that are much longer than 350 words. This means sometimes you will have to read a second or even a third continuation of a post. So clothes, yes material, colour, feel and fit are important but so are the little things, tags, seems, buttons and zips all affect me. So the first item on the list is tags, tags are not the most comfortable aspect of clothing for anyone. I have been known to unpick the stitches that hold in the tags on my clothing where possible. The problem with this I'd not everyone knows how or has the tools required. Further more not all tags can be removed, if the stitching that holds the in place are also needed to hold the clothes together this isn't possible. Seams can be bothersome when the material that the clothes are made out of isn't as soft or t...


I have been asked quite a few questions since I started this blog but one that I have only actually received once is relationships.

Adaptation Series: Part One, Transportation

So for the first instalment in this series I will be talking about how I have overcome my inability to use public transportation. But first let's discuss why I am not able to use it.

Adaptation Series: Introduction

I have decided to do a series of posts that have a common subject, this series will be a non regular series, meaning that I don't have the intention of doing a post on a certain day for it but will be doing hopefully at least one post per week on this subject.

My day

So today has been busy! Had a lot to do and been to youth zone, for anyone who's on the fence about letting your child go there I'd give it a glowing recommendation.


Clothes, yes that’s right I am going to do an entire post about clothing. Now you may ask why but I have always had issues with the kind of clothes I wear, I mean the material had to be right, the fit, the size even the colour could cause me to refuse an item of clothing. I am going to talk you through some of this and hopefully you can understand just why us people on the spectrum are so choosy when it comes to clothing.

Feedback Needed

Right you will all be happy to know that the fonts on the blog are now set and there shouldn’t be any more problems with that.

Heads up

Just a heads up, expect font mess ups and various issues with text on the blog as I am trying to get blogger to reset the default font,  thanks, Spec.


We’ve got lots of news and it’s not even midday yet, first of all you may notice that the blog address now redirects to That’s because I have registered a web address for use with the website that I’m building.


Okay, so after a quick post on Facebook I saw that there are at least a few people out there who would love to have some ideas for adding healthy food to meals.

Just another post

So while thinking about this blog I realised that I don't care if no one reads it, I want to post about myself a little more, because it's rather therapeutic to be honest.

Good day

Hello everyone, you know what, today has been an amazing day, one been to see my college tutors as I needed to get sponsor money and then I've been at youth done all day.


When I can't sleep at night I think, and when I think I always end up on the same topic and in turn the same conclusion.

Doctors visit

I'm actually writing this post while sat in the waiting room of the doctors. Don't know why but I'm feeling really anxious even though I'm seeing the same doctor that I always see.


One of the issues that come with having autism is general impulsive behavior, in children it just means acting out and being inappropriate.


Well it's Saturday and I'm tired, I hate it when I can't sleep. I don't really think this will be a long post but here we go.

Night life

Okay, so I can't sleep once again and thought maybe I should do another post. This time I'm going to talk about what exactly it is that I do to pass the time at night. 

Just a Side Note

You may notice small changes to the design, just trying to get it to look as I want, I hope you will bear with me and I welcome all feedback. Also we had our first French visitor to the blog, Bonjour!  Please can you all take a minute to view the blog on the desktop view and participate in the poll that I have set up to the right. To read the entire post all you have to do is click the "read more" button. Finally, I have managed to sort the time stamps for all future posts. Thanks again for reading my blog, Spec.


One of the first pieces of advice given to parents with autistic children is to put in place and maintain a clearly defined routine. It is often said that this can help the child in all aspects of their behaviour.

Sensory processing

So today's post is going to be about how I am affected by what's around me. Everyone has senses, but not everyone perceives them the same way. Humans have five senses and I'm going to go through each of then and how they make me feel. The first is taste, now I'm lucky that I'm  not overly affected by tastes. The second is smell, I find that I am frequently overloaded with smells. Certain smells knock me sick, one of the worst ones is tobacco smoke. My mum smokes and sometimes she'll smoke at the back door rather than the front. The smoke comes right into the living room and I have to go upstairs. But other smells get to me, the smell of food cooking knocks me sick, "damp smell" also makes me sick. I find many perfumes make me agitated because they are usually such a strong, sweet smell and I hate it. I have scented candles that I use, and I have learned that I can use them to calm down. The third is sight, I have to say that photosensitivity is a ...


I can't sleep, as usual... and that made me think about how my lack of sleeping used to affect others. Now that I'm older I don't need to have my mum stay up with me because I am capable of looking after myself. But when I was younger my mum obviously needed to stay up with me; she could have just left me to my own devices and hoped for the best... but she didn't. As time goes by and you realise that you're in it for the long haul, it can look bleak. After all just because your child can live and function on three hours sleep doesn't mean you can. So don't forget you can always sleep during the day when they're at school if you don't work, if you do work, find some other times to sleep. Its crazy just how much better you'll feel with as little as an hour of sleep. Does your child/ren have difficulty sleeping? If so, why not drop a few tips on  how you deal with the situation. Thanks for taking the time to read this article, and as always, ...


So today is the second day that I am posting to this blog, it's hard to decide what to talk about because there is just so much to say. But one thing that I am sure I want to talk about is that four letter word, "love". The one question that I have been asked a few times is why don't young autistic children show their love. The true answer to that is I don't exactly know, I was seven years old before I first told my mum that I loved her. Does that mean that I didn't love her up until that point... NO! it doesn't, I have always loved my mum but I don't know how to show it, yes, I used the word "don't" because the truth is I often act like I don't love her and sometimes it's something I do hate because her has been an amazing mum, she has fought for me my entire life and for that I am eternally grateful. When I was younger, I had no self control, I was stronger that my mum by the age of six or so and that made life rather difficu...