
I can't sleep, as usual... and that made me think about how my lack of sleeping used to affect others. Now that I'm older I don't need to have my mum stay up with me because I am capable of looking after myself. But when I was younger my mum obviously needed to stay up with me; she could have just left me to my own devices and hoped for the best... but she didn't. As time goes by and you realise that you're in it for the long haul, it can look bleak. After all just because your child can live and function on three hours sleep doesn't mean you can. So don't forget you can always sleep during the day when they're at school if you don't work, if you do work, find some other times to sleep. Its crazy just how much better you'll feel with as little as an hour of sleep.
Does your child/ren have difficulty sleeping? If so, why not drop a few tips on  how you deal with the situation.

Thanks for taking the time to read this article, and as always, try to remember, a little patience goes a long way,



  1. Hello everyone,
    this post was published at 01:36, not the time shown, I'm not sure how to change it but I am looking into it.

  2. Thank you, this again, I can relate to. I have epilepsy and my son liam (high functioning asd, ocd, torettes) sleeps, nut often very broken and much less than me. He's so very anxious constantly, it even affects his sleep. Are you very anxious? I wish I could get inside his little head (9 years) tonight I used a progressive relaxation script (from days of hypnosis training) and he.drifted off very quickly. It's the first night he hasn't shouted down, gone to the loo 20 times. Or put half a tonne of lip balm on (it's a sensory thing) fingers crossed it's a full success. Thanks so much fir this blog, our story sounds very similar to helps x

  3. I am much better than I've been in the past but there's still times when I'm anxious, thank so much for taking the time to read this, you can use the share buttons on each post to share them on Google+, facebook, twitter, blogger or pinterest :)


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