Mental Health and Misinformation

 So this isn't the post that was meant to be here. I was planning to write a post about how I've been using ChatGPT to write content for my AI-powered blog. But instead, I've spent the entirety of today (Tuesday 28th) stuck, crippled with depression. Most of the time I'm doing pretty well these days, but every now and then I just get floored with this deep feeling of loss and darkness.

It's really strange for me when I'm like this because, for the most part, I'm doing rather well these days with my mental health. I'm actively working on things, getting a lot of things done, and streaming every day. I'm being pretty productive and it's been great. But then there are days, that come unexpectedly and untriggered where I just feel the darkness creeping back into my soul. On top of this, I for the first time in my life I am genuinely content and most of the time I’m pretty happy.

I knew that starting out from scratch on YouTube would be slow, but sometimes it is a little deflating. Putting in so much work into a script, and then into recording voiceovers, and then into editing. Finding just the right video, and music that gives my video just the right feel and impact. I think one of the things that have bothered me the most is how little support I have gotten from my friends and family. Like I'm not expecting to be a big content creator, but I at least want some people to see the product of what is a great amount of work. A great about of emotions, mental effort, and anxiety. 

Oh, did I talk about the anxiety? I don't think most people who create videos and put themselves out there on the internet really talk about the fact that there is a massive amount of stress, anxiety and worry that comes with it. Don't get me wrong, I love the process, I love the work involved. I massively enjoy what I choose to spend my time on. But that doesn't change the anxiety and worry. What if I say something wrong, or upset someone, what if I become just another person on the internet who spreads misinformation? It's massively important for me, and it should be for all of you, that the information we spread on the internet is true and constructive. 

We live in the age of information, the average person in the developed world has access to more information than even the most learned person a century ago. But, not all of that information is correct, and sometimes we inadvertently share this incorrect information. But, that leads to the question of where does this misinformation come from? Well, in my opinion, it comes from two main places. The first place is a light-hearted one, someone making jokes, and having a bit of a laugh. 

The second one is more malicious when a government, business or organisation choose to make a concerted effort to influence a narrative. I'm not going to go into the specifics of who, when and where. We have all seen in the news and media over the recent years the number of times various countries have been suspected of manipulating information spread across the internet. Be that, trying to influence the outcome of an election or public opinion of a specific organisation or nation. There are a massive number of reasons why they, being a country or organisation, would want to influence the narrative. From war propaganda to trying to manipulate public opinion of science, social concepts, classes of people or any other number of things. 

The point that I’m trying to make is, there is so much worry and anxiety that can come from these types of things. Talking about your own opinions is easy. I put myself out there and proclaim to the world, THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE. I’m not trying to prove the validity of the information's accuracy. Because it’s an opinion. It is talking about how I feel about something. People may choose to disagree with the opinion but they often can’t objectively tell me that I am wrong. 

Information is absolute, it is scientifically quantifiable. There are methods used to ensure that information is accurate, up to date and has consensus. So the problem is, what if I, Spec, go forth and spread not information, but misinformation? What if I, inadvertently become just another cog in some countries or organisations' machines built to discredit that which has reached consensus? Well, the hope is I won’t, but if I do, I would like to think someone will let me know. Then I hope that I have the humility to accept that, put my hands up and admit it to the world. 

If you enjoyed this look into my mental process why not check out this post from Scott

Thanks for reading,  



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