Mondays by Mums - Bit of a serious one!

At the weekend we attended a charity coffee morning at our local coffee house. It was to raise funds for New Greenhall school (where William attends), and an autism charity.

I was chatting to the organiser briefly and found out that she worked with older people with difficulties such as autism in an assisted housing unit nearby. She had brought some of the wonderful adults with her, some had very complex disabilities and to be honest I'm grateful that Williams autism isn't anywhere near as severe as it could be.
I had never realised that assisted housing for adults with autism was so close (within 5 minutes of my home) and it got me thinking about Williams future, maybe a bit too much!
It's hard to tell at this stage what support he will need as an adult, but its entirely possible that he will need help to live independently. It is a worry, a big one, I want to make sure William is happy and safe when I'm no longer capable to look after him. You do hear horror stories about care homes and institutions and that terrifies me. I guess stressing about it right now won't really help though. Just gives me more grey hairs and I don't need any help with that!
So really we just need to take each day as it comes and enjoy what we have. Its hard but we're a happy healthy family and that's what matters.


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