Wild Wednesdays - My First Day

As many of you know yesterday was the first day that I'm back at college. It wasn't like I expected at all. I was hoping we'd just get right into doing work, but that didn't happen.
Course introduction, then the introduction to each unit and so on. I hope we get our first assignments soon because I hate being idle, I do come here to learn after all.
The other people in my class are a mismatch of age with some much older and me being the youngest. I'm not surprised that they're aren't any girls on the course. It's a well known, but unfortunate issue with the ICT field at the moment.
The most stressful experience so far has been trying to get food, that was difficult but I managed it. I feel bad now though because I didn't speak which means I didn't use my manners. I'm sure they don't even remember if I did or didn't use my manners on the day but I can't stop thinking about how rude I was not to use my manners.
The afternoon lessons were pretty much the same, signing up to this and that. My user account decided to mess up and as such took up a chunk of last lesson trying to get it sorted.
I thought getting up that early and cycling to college would be harder on my muscles than it was, for the most part I'm not feeling it today at all. That's good because it means that I shouldn't been massively affected, physically speaking from college alone.
One final issue is because my support funding hasn't been sorted out with student finance so this means I am only receiving minimal support from college, I'm finding this harder than I thought I would but a couple of the guys in my class help me out when needed which is really kind of them.

Thanks for reading,



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