Mondays by Mums - Return To Normality

Finally it's the return to normality as William goes back to school, this year full time in Reception after his part time preschool placement.
I remember when his brother started Reception at mainstream school, all giddy and excited, talking away to his friends at the school gate while I watched, all tearry eyed, as he waved goodbye that first day. How proud I felt at having my big boy growing up.
With William it felt different at first, quite non-eventful and I found myself feeling sad. There was no excitement evident when I talked to him about school, almost like he didn't know what I was going on about. But when I saw him in his uniform this morning I DID feel that familiar proud, emotion (and blubbed in the car on the way to work).
He IS growing up, he loves seeing his friends, and loves being at school. Just because he hasn't yet learned how to show it doesn't mean he doesn't feel it. And I know one day he will, and it'll be a long time, but it'll be worth waiting for.


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