Friendly Fridays - Fine Details

Trying to sort out the fine details are the hardest. With going back to college, I have to sort out student finance, cancel my benefits, get all the equipment needed and make sure I'm as well as can be emotionally and physically for the start of term.
My biggest problem in the beginning will be being surrounded by people who I don't know. After that it will be stress caused by having to work hard and most likely a lack of sleep. I'm hoping that by identifying any issues before they come into play I can pre-emptively combat them.
Half of the fight is getting into the mindset that I can overcome any of these problems because I know they are coming and I have planned for them. With that being said I know that I will face problems that I haven't foreseen and willing to accept that there’s no way to see every eventuality beforehand.
One thing that is getting to me is not know my start date yet or having a copy of my timetable, that way I would be able to plan things a little better. But I guess that’s just the way the world works.
I don’t really help myself out to be honest, as well as trying to get everything sorted for college I am in the process of setting up a homebrewing group for Wigan. getting a meet-up under way is hard, finding a place to meet up, then getting everyone together to find out when they are all free is time consuming but will be worth it in the end.
Thanks again for reading, with the little ones back at school this week, remember to be patient,



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