Friendly Fridays - Apples, Berries and College

It can be hard to think about the good and positive when it comes to talking about yourself. I know that I find it difficult. One thing that I really appreciate about myself if the ability to pick up new skills.
Now for the most part this is helpful but also it's a pain. Because I can gain skills quickly, the learning part of hammy hobbies is shorter. And that means I often have a high turnover of hobbies. Brewing is the first real long term hobby that I have had. I've been doing it for over five months now. I think one of the reasons for this is it makes a product that I use, and there's a never ending list of variations. Different recipes, methods and of course different products.
Me and Claire went picking local fruit yesterday to try and make local foraged wine. With it still be early I think I'm going to need a couple of trips before I have enough for a batch. So far I have blackberries and apples. I'm hoping to find some elderberries, maybe raspberries and really any other edible, nice tasting wild fruit. I also know of where a local pear tree is so that could be fun too.
on another note, trying to get everything sorted for my return to education is hard work, knowing that I'm going to be left with no money because of the way that student loans are pain is stressful to say the least. It isn't that bad because my mum has already said that she can wait until I'm paid but that doesn't help for lunches and expenses for college.

Thanks for reading,



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